
Healing Services

We have a whole body health clinic for diagnosis and holistic natural treatment. Find the cause of your problem, and get yourself back to health.


Regain movement, feeling, and function by realigning your spine and restoring nerve function.

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Professionally licenced therapists provide excellent deep tissue massages. 

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Give your body the material it needs to put itself back together. We've got those hard to find nutrients for you to heal and thrive.

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Holistic Healing with Functional Medicine

As you can see in the video above, Dr. Timothy H. Hendlin M.A., D.C. is an exceptional healer. Many of our patients have come to us after having seen many other doctors and having failed to find effective treatment elsewhere.

“Most adjustments at our clinic are preceded by soft tissue and muscle balancing. Dr. Hendlin cares about you. You can feel it in the careful time and attention he devotes to your case, and the results obtained by that devotion.”

We Are Unique – Connecting Like Minded People Who Are Looking to Live with More Vitality Than Ever Before

Dr. Hendlin and the staff at the Hendlin Holistic Health Center promote a lasting well-being and a more harmonious vibrant life, by restoring the natural balance of physical, biochemical, and mental health.

Did you know that prescriptions for pharmaceutical medication have outpaced the american population? There are now more prescriptions for drugs in america than there are American citizens!

Do you realize, that according to the American Medical Association, the third most likely thing you will die of as an American is now a “properly prescribed medication”?

Do you realize that for the first time in history our children are not forecasted to live past the age of their parents?

These questions are unfortunately, only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to our country’s medical care — they are also the reason why we are so unique.

Read below to learn a few of the many reasons why we get such high-quality results:

We offer people all natural, noninvasive, and completely customized healthcare solutions that focus on an inside-to-outside philosophy.

Healing With A Whole Person Approach:

Dr. Hendlin utilizes a whole body “functional medicine” approach to healing, with the understanding that everything in your body is connected, and each part affects the others, including:

  • Your Nutrient Levels (which are important for repairing the body and maintaining functional body parts),
  • Life Style (because “the way you live” is “the way you live” ),
  • Skeletal Effects on Your Nervous System (because if your nerves are impinged, pain, immobility, and deterioration result).

The Central Nervous System is the master controller for your entire body, and when there is interference, your body will not perform at its full potential. This interference is called a subluxation, and as a chiropractor, Dr. Hendlin has been trained to find and remove this nerve interference which helps you achieve optimal health because it allows the body parts to communicate and cooperate as a harmonious unit — your living body.

The Time & Attention You Deserve:

Dr. Hendlin takes the time to understand your situation, clearly, and completely. Sure, we can do a quick in-and-out, 3 minute adjustment (like most other chiropractors do — it would certainly allow us to see more patients in the same amount of time); but here at the Hendlin Health Center we care about your healing and your results.

This is why we make the time to ensure that you are getting the quality treatment and healing you deserve.

Most adjustments at our clinic are preceded by soft tissue and muscle balancing to loosen your muscles and help identify the specific areas in need of focused treatment.

“Many of our patients have come to us after having seen other doctors, and having failed to find effective treatment.”

Why is Dr. Hendlin So Good At What He Does?

Our Proven Techniques:

Differential Diagnosis

Dr. Hendlin is skilled in “differential diagnosis” which is why he can identify the cause of your condition even when other doctors had previously misdiagnosed you.

He has almost 40 years of clinical experience and expertise. He is constantly striving to learn more about healing so he can continue to improve on his mastery of the art of healing, and better assist you in optimizing your health naturally.

As a primary health care provider, Dr. Hendlin stays informed of the latest research and advancements in functional nutrition, preventive medicine, psychology, sports medicine, psycho-neuro immunology and related fields through a local and national communication network of health professionals.

This variety of of chiropractic and healing techniques allows Dr Hendlin to tailor the treatment you receive to your individual needs for maximum effectivenessIf you have been exposed to a technique that you enjoy, please make us aware so that we can deliver the type of results that you DESERVE!

Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology is a methodology for communicating with the body. Essentially Dr. Hendlin is trained to read your body’s nervous system. He listens to what your body’s electrical signals have to say in helping to trace down the specific root causes of many physical maladies. He asks your body questions by making it perform easy physical tests, such as moving your arm. The body’s responses to these kinesiology tests help Dr. Hendlin identify the source of the problem, and apply an appropriate treatment to remedy your illness.

Structural Balancing

One of the health center’s basic functions is to help you achieve and maintain your body’s structural balance and integrity. Dr. Hendlin uses applied kinesiology, muscle balancing, motion palpation, counter stress posture, acupressure, and corrective spinal joint alignment for restoring the proper body balance and nerve flow to the glands, organs and extremities.

Nutritional support, personalized conditioning programs and corrective exercises are prescribed to each individual’s condition. When indicated, chiropractic physiotherapy is employed, using state-of-the-art techniques and equipment, including flexion distraction, therapeutic massage, and whole body vibration to improve disc and joint function.

Dr. Hendlin’s holistic approach is designed to provide immediate relief, but more importantly, a lasting correction by addressing the cause of your health problems.

Your personal responsibility for good health and proper health maintenance is emphasized.

Guidelines and recommendations are provided to help you create an improved state of wellness, health and vitality. As a specialist in lifestyle medicine Dr. Hendlin provides the guidelines for lifestyle changes to support your healing when you are out-and-about, at home, or traveling.

Balancing Your Body’s Chemistry

Balance your body chemistry using the latest research and principles of Orthomolecular and Functional Medicine.  Dr. Hendlin was one of the certified pioneering doctors participating in the First International Symposium on Functional Medicine.  He has continued to attend these symposiums for over two decades.  He can create an individualized program to address your health needs.

Personalized Metabolic Wellness Program:

  • Provides an optimal diet and nutritional plan.
  • Maximize your energy and health potential.
  • Reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, cancer and other degenerative diseases.
  • Correct toxic metal and mineral imbalances.
  • Reduce organ and endocrine gland imbalances and their associated health disorders, including immune system dysfunctions (allergy, sinus problems, herpes, arthritis, yeast, asthma), sugar handling problems, eating and digestive disorders, chronic fatigue and menstrual disorders, including Premenstrual Syndrome, natural hormone balancing, and menopausal protection.
  • Protect against environmental toxins and contaminants such as smog, vog (volcanic air pollution), chemicals, and EMF’s (electromagnetic frequencies).

To determine your health risks, an evaluation is done which may comprise of necessary tests, including:

  • A complete health history consultation with a physical and kinesiology examination
  • Health appraisal indicators and symptoms survey
  • Toxic metal screening and trace mineral analysis
  • Blood chemistry and urine analysis
  • Nutritional analysis

We treat a wide variety of conditions.

Patients of all ages welcome, even newborns.

To Schedule an Appointment with Dr. Hendlin

You Can Call the Health Center at (808) 329-5155.

Come in, let’s get you back to health.